Play League Of Legends Trivia Game now and enjoy valoran's lore, summoner
Hello Summoners!
Welcome to the League of Trivia Games, challenge your friends with the Unofficial League Of Legends Trivia Game! Play four game modes within this trivia game to test your Skills in Knowledge of the famous Riot’s game, test your common sense about gameplay, your lore knowledge and your game knowledge, did you knew that Katarina is a rival of Swain?, or did you know what triggers Rengar’s sidequest? What is the buff you receive when you complete sejuani’s Sidequest? Where did ezreal got his power from? Where was the flame of Brand found? These are just a few of the many many questions you will find in this game!
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Eat the yordle trap’s cupcake without triggering the trap!
Note: League of Legends, and the League of Legends logo and all images and sound are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.
This game was made by a fan as a tribute to Riot with the purpose to share the League of Legends Lore, rules and gameplay, I hope you enjoy it!
Do you want more questions? just ask!
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